Brugmansia Registry


Si vous ne comprenez pas ce formulaire, veuillez contacter



Applicant Information:                                      

First Name:

Last Name:

Street Address:



Postal Code/Zip Code:



Hybridizer Information: 

First Name:

Last Name:



Discoverer Information: 

First Name:

Last Name:

Discoverer lives in what country?:

Discovered Brugmansia in what country?:


Applicant Signature:   __________________________


Date:   ________________



Cultivar Information


Cultivar Name:   ____________________


Has this name been published in printed form?  (circle one) yes  no


Does this cultivar still exist?:  (circle one)    yes    no


Name of Breeding History Set to which the cultivar belongs

ABADS will check this for you if you have difficulty answering.


(circle one)


For single-species cultivars


Arborea…includes all cultivars (cvs) that are pure B. arborea


Aurea…includes all cvs that are pure B. aurea


Insignis…includes all cvs that are pure B. insignis


Sanguinea…includes all cvs that are pure B. sanguinea


Suaveolens…includes all cvs that are pure B. suaveolens


Versicolor…includes all cvs that are pure B. versicolor


Vulcanicola…includes all cvs that are pure B. vulcanicola


Example: ‘Ecuador Pink’ belongs in the Versicolor Set because it is a pure form of B. versicolor and only carried genes of that species.



For two-species hybrid cultivars


Aurinsi…includes all hybrid combinations of B. aurea and B. insignis


Candida…includes all hybrid combinations of B. versicolor and B. aurea


Flava…includes all hybrid combinations of B. arborea and B. sanguinea


Suarea…includes all hybrid combinations of B. suaveolens and B. aurea


Suaver…includes all hybrid combinations of B. suaveolens and B. versicolor


Suavinsi…includes all hybrid combinations of B. suaveolens and B. insignis


Verinsi…includes all hybrid combinations of B. versicolor and B. insignis


Vulsa…includes all hybrid combinations of B. vulcanicola and B. sanguinea


Vularbo…includes all hybrid combinations of B. vulcanicola and B. arborea


Example: ‘Bridesmaid’ belongs in the Candida Set because it is a hybrid of ‘Rothkirch’ (Aurea) and ‘Charleston’ (Candida) and therefore only carried genes of B. versicolor and B. aurea.




For three-species hybrid cultivars


Arbovulsa …includes all hybrid combinations of B. arborea, B. vulcanicola and B. sanguinea


Suaverinsi …includes all hybrid combinations of B. suaveolens, B. versicolor and B. insignis


Suavinsaurea …includes all hybrid combinations of B. suaveolens, B. insignis and B. aurea


Versuarea …includes all hybrid combinations of B. versicolor, B. suaveolens and B. aurea


Verinsaurea …includes all hybrid combinations of B. versicolor, B. insignis and B. aurea


Example: ‘Goldkrone’ belongs in the Versuarea Set because it is a hybrid between ‘Charles Grimaldi’ (Versuarea) and ‘Goldenes Kornett’ (Aurea), ‘Charles Grimaldi’ being a hybrid of ‘Dr Seuss’ (Versuarea) and ‘Frosty Pink’ (Suaveolens). ‘Goldkrone’ therefore only carries genes of B. aurea, B. suaveolens and B. versicolor.




For Four-species hybrid cultivars


Siva …includes all hybrid combinations of B. suaveolens, B. insignis, B. versicolor  and B. aurea


Example: ‘Schloss Ricklingen’ belongs in the Siva Set because it is a hybrid of ‘Cumbaya’ (Insignis) and ‘Ocre’ (Versuarea), and therefore carries genes of B. aurea, B. insignis, B. suaveolens and B. versicolor.


Pod Parent Mother:

Pollen Parent Father: (if known)

 If a sport, name of host plant: 

 Was the original plant (seedling or sport) propagated?: (circle one)   yes    no

 Did the cuttings produce plants 100% true to the original plant (seedling or sport) in all characteristics?:  (circle one) yes    no

 Year released/introduced:


**You must email or mail a photograph to the registrar.

At least one photograph of the flower, taken from the side, hanging at the natural angle, including calyx must accompany your application, or be sent by email clearly indicating the cultivar name and the name of the applicant.  It is preferable that the photo is either a color transparency or a high resolution digital photograph and you should ensure that it accurately represents the color of the flower.  It is useful but not essential to include the appropriate numbers of the ABADS Color Chart with your photo to indicate correct color.

Flower Description

click on Examples to see examples in a new window

Flower color description:

Summer color(s):

Fall/Winter color(s):

Flower form:  (circle one)








-more than one form on same tree (describe)

Flower Position:  (circle one)






Flower Shape:

ABADS will check this for you, based on your photograph, if you have trouble answering (circle one)



-narrow trumpet



-narrow funnel

-broad funnel

-other (describe)

Tendril Length: Click here for examples


Foliage Information:

Leaf shape:  (circle one)




 Leaf Margin:  (circle one)


-entire (smooth leaf edge)

-wavy or ruffled leaf edge

-scalloped leaf edge

-incised (deeply cut points on leaf edge)

-serrate (points on leaf edge)

 Leaf Texture:  (circle all that apply below)






-pubescent (fine silky)

-bristly (stiff)

-barely noticeable





 **Form must be completed in its entirety, and sent by email or letter post to the ABADS Registrar.  For mailing address, please email:


ABADS Registrar: 

ABADS European Registration Coordinator: 

ABADS Inc. cannot accept incomplete registrations.

For questions concerning this registration form, please email: .


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Disclaimer: While the information at this Web site is believed to be true and accurate, the American Brugmansia & Datura Society Inc. (ABADS) and the authors cannot accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made. ABADS makes no warranty, expressed or implied with respect to the material contained herein. Copyright of all original Images submitted for public display will be retained by the contributor. The contributor does, however, agree to grant ABADS a non-exclusive license to modify, reproduce, and distribute all images in the manner that it sees fit. You must request written permission from ABADS Board of Directors in order to copy and publish any part of this website.

©American Brugmansia & Datura Society Inc. (ABADS)
February 10,  2002-2006 All Rights Reserved
Website designed by:
American Brugmansia & Datura Society

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