Brugmansia Hybridizing Basics

Choose 2 different Brugmansia to work with. Only the true species such as arborea self pollinate.

Pollen Donor

Select pollen donor, which in this case is Ecuador Pink

inside Ecuador Pink
Scoop dry pollen from pollen donor (Ecuador Pink)  anther 
onto brush tip

 Ecuador Pink pollen on brush tip

Pollen recipient

Pollen recipient in this case is Betty Marshall


inside Betty Marshall


Gently dab Ecuador Pink pollen onto Betty Marshall stigma


3-4 dabs is all it takes


Ecuador Pink pollen placed on stigma of Betty Marshall

Ecuador Pink pollen placed on stigma of Betty Marshall


Positive Results!
Betty Marshall x Ecuador Pink
Betty Marshall - Pollen recipient (Mother)
Ecuador Pink - Pollen donor (Father)

Seed pods are mature 2-8 months, depending on species and environment



Brugmansia is incredibly easy to hybridize which is one of the top reasons it is so popular! Many of the worlds Brugmansia cultivars are complex mixes and the possibilities of chromosome combinations are in the thousands. You cannot predict what your new creations will look like. 

Look for what you love the most about each plant in your collection. If you love the pink of B. versicolor 'Ecuador Pink' and the ruffled corolla edge of B. versicolor hybrid 'Temple Goddess' then cross the two both ways and see if you can create a ruffled edged versicolor Pink hybrid.  Or maybe you love the beautiful clear yellow of B. suaveolens hybrid 'Jamaica Yellow' and the pendant flower shape of B. versicolor 'Alba'.  Get started on your dream to create a true yellow versicolor hybrid by crossing the two. 
300+ seeds have been counted in some suaveolens seed pods. Each seed in any Brugmansia seed pod is a brand new hybrid that may or may not physically resemble one of its parent plants or any of the other seed pod siblings. There are no identical twins! Your 300+ seedlings may produce only white flowers but there will still be something visually different about each of the "same cross, same pod", seedlings. You will definitely get a wide range of flower shapes, leaf shapes and growth habits. The only way to produce plants that are identical to the mother plant is through Tissue Culture, asexual propagation
(rooted cuttings) and true species crosses.


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American Brugmansia & Datura Society Inc.



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February 10,  2002-2006 All Rights Reserved
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